Why do they call orange American Cheese “yellow”? And then they call yellow American Cheese “white”?!? I don’t get it. Is that just a trick to get husbands in trouble for trying to be nice and do the grocery shopping?? Can anyone really taste the difference between orange American Cheese and yellow American Cheese???
TD Bank (my soon-to-be EX-bank) has been promoting their “TD Debit Card Advance” ever since new legislation made it illegal for them to force overdraft protection on Debit cards without authorization of the account owner.

TD Bank’s ad for “TD Debit Card Advance”
This is how it works:
- You attempt to purchase something using your ATM/Debit card
- You don’t have enough money in the account (for whatever reason) to cover the charge
- TD Bank “loans” you the money to complete your purchase
- TD Bank charges you $35
- And the best part is this – you won’t find out about the overdraft for a few days, so you’ll keep using your card and incurring more overdraft charges until you realize your account went into the red!
TD Bank is SO AFRAID of losing that $35 overdraft fee that they’re trying to hype this “TD Debit Card Advance” as a feature that you desperately need so you can go on living your normal life! They think you’d rather pay them $35 than to be “embarrassed” while buying bread at the grocery store!
It would be one thing if they only mentioned once or twice that there is this new requirement that you have to sign up for by August 14th if you want to continue with this form of “overdraft protection”, but they’ve been hounding us for months now. I can’t imagine how much money they’ve spent on trying to promote this idiotic “service”!?!
If you are a TD Bank customer, I urge you to consider the kind of company you’re trusting your money to. Are they looking out for you, the customer? Or do they really only have their own interests in mind???
What is up with the %&@#ing Internet Service Providers who are too damn afraid of the contents of an email that they refuse to accept attachments!?! They’re so afraid of their own shadows that they can’t do their job!
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: support@wiredhub.net This message has been rejected because it has a potentially executable attachment "ForwardedMessage.eml" This form of attachment has been used by recent viruses or other malware. If you meant to send this file then please package it up as a zip file and resend it.
“Oh my god – there’s an email attached to this email – that email might contain something bad, so I better not open it!”
It’s bad enough this ISP can’t set up a few ‘abuse’ mailboxes without getting it wrong. Now I’m supposed to take the original email, put it in a .ZIP file, then email them the .ZIP file instead! You’d think that professional ISPs should be savvy enough to protect themselves from the contents of emails without placing extra burden on the people who are trying to help them? What a bunch of BOZOS!
Remember when Campbell’s first came out with Chunky Soups? Remember how they were more chunky and less soupy?!? Man, they were CHUNKY! They were so thick you couldn’t pour the soup out of the can, you had to spoon it out!
Not any more. I suspect Campbell’s doesn’t think we’re smart enough to notice how the product has reverted back to just a normal soup over the years? It’s barely chunky any more!!
All trademarks are property of their respective owners.
After a report that a child’s Play-Doh was confiscated by the TSA in New Orleans, it turns out that the Play-Doh should not have been confiscated. Play-Doh is not a prohibted item. That said, it was noted that “because plastic explosives can be cammouflaged to look like play doh, screeners are told to use their own discretion“.
To be fair, I haven’t had the chance to meet every TSA screener employed in the United States (and around the world), but I can’t say that I’ve been very impressed with many of the TSA screener’s I have met to date. I don’t think I want to leave it to their “discretion” to figure out if a container of colored putty is really Play-Doh or plastic explosive?!?
And what is with the “Underwear Bomber” and this ridiculous call for “body scanners”?!? From all descriptions, the material (less than 3 ounces of PETN) that was sewn into this idiot’s underwear could have easily been hidden in a variety of carry-on scenarios! If a terrorist is serious, he could easily disguise the material in so many ways, it’s not worth trying to list them. This guy clearly wasn’t very serious – I can’t imagine someone willing to die for a cause who wouldn’t be 200% prepared to carry out his final act!
Instead of taking Play-Doh away from babies and invading everyone’s privacy with full body scanners, why don’t we screen the person?!? When someone is on the “Terrorist Watch List”, SCREEN THEM. When someone buys their tickets with cash, SCREEN THEM. When someone buys a 1-way ticket, SCREEN THEM. When someone has no luggage, SCREEN THEM. When someone is on the “Terrorist Watch List” AND buys their tickets with cash AND buys a 1-way ticket AND has no luggage, SCREEN THAT MOTHER F%$&ER LIKE YOU AINT NEVER SCREENED ANYONE BEFORE!!!
Until the TSA starts deploying “explosive sniffers”, all this other crap is just a weak attempt make it appear that the screening protects the public.
“Play-Doh” is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.
Verisign charges for WHOIS
Dec 17
I needed to lookup the owner/registrar for a “.name” domain today. I’ve never done that before. It looks like Verisign manages the “.name” TLD, so I find their web page WHOIS for the “.name” TLD. I entered the domain I needed to look up and got one of the more useless WHOIS responses I’ve ever seen.
Domain Name ID: 2960794DOMAIN-NAME
Sponsoring Registrar ID: 20REGISTRAR-NAME
Sponsoring Registrar: Cronon AG Berlin, Niederlassung Regensburg
Domain Status: ok
Registrant ID: 2428378CONTACT-NAME
Admin ID: 2428378CONTACT-NAME
Tech ID: 2428378CONTACT-NAME
Billing ID: 2428378CONTACT-NAME
Name Server ID: 1344789HOST-NAME
Name Server ID: 1344790HOST-NAME
Created On: 2007-10-22T21:24:00Z
Expires On: 2010-10-22T21:24:00Z
Updated On: 2009-10-23T00:35:40Z
It proved that the domain was indeed registered, but provided no ownership or contact information. Going back to the main WHOIS query page on https://whois.nic.name/ showed another option for a “detailed WHOIS query”. The page says “For detailed Whois searches, which are subject to higher privacy protection than Summary and Standard, please initiate the query using the form below” and prompts for the domain name. So I enter the domain name and get the following:
Verisign is CHARGING for WHOIS!! I couldn’t believe that Verisign would actually charge for one of the most basic services provided by domain registrars on the Internet. Well, I do believe it since it is Verisign – why should I be surprised??
Now that some of the financial institutions are paying back the money the US government LOANED them thru the TARP program, Obama wants to spend it on other things?!? THAT MONEY WAS A LOAN! It’s not FREE MONEY for the government to do whatever it wants with.
These “Global Warming” people are such hypocrites! They make claims that the human race is responsible for the alleged climate change over the last 100 years or so, but they have no scientific proof. Now they’re all showing up in Copenhagen in private jets!!! Go figure?!?
Don’t you just LOVE it when your wireless cell provider decides to change things on your account without you asking or them telling you?!? And then you get to WASTE YOUR TIME on the phone with them while they fix it!
OK – here’s what happened: My brother sent me an email the other day saying the voicemail on my cell phone doesn’t work any more. I tried it from my home phone, and sure enough, if I don’t pick up, I get a fast busy when it would normally go to voicemail.
So I call AT&T’s support line. I get a very pleasant sounding woman, explain to her that my voicemail doesn’t seem to work any more, and she looks up my account. After a minute, she tells me that the voicemail feature was removed from my account on Nov. 14, but there is no note in the account as to why someone might have done that. (I left Sprint because they seemed to be changing things every couple of months just to see if I was paying attention – I don’t need AT&T doing that as well!) Anyway, she added back my voicemail feature and told me I’d need to go in to my voicemail to set it up once we finished. Fair enough considering… (she was rather helpful and pleasant, I have to credit her that) She told me she’d call me back on a land-line to help me go through the setup. I gave her my home number, then waited a minute until she called me back on my cell phone. She told me that my home line blocked the call since her company (a contactor to AT&T) has the caller-ID blocked! Why does a phone company (or its subcontractor) need to block its caller-ID?!?? (I HATE IT when a company does that!) Anyway, I was on my own trying to set up my voicemail.
I hung up the phone and immediately dialed my voicemail. I got a recording saying “Welcome to voicemail. Press 1 to access your voicemail once the greeting has started. Press 2 to send voicemail to someone’s mailbox…”, a bunch of crap like that (I don’t recall the exact words). I was waiting for some “greeting” to start so I could press 1 to access my voicemail. It never happened. So I press 1 and it asks for my mailbox number. What mailbox number?!? I never had a mailbox number before!! I tried my cell phone number, but it didn’t like that. It told me “if you don’t know you mailbox number, contact your administrator”. I AM THE ADMINISTRATOR!! It’s my account – I pay the bill!
After several attempts at accessing my voicemail, I decided to call back AT&T support from my land-line so they could guide me through the process on my cell phone. I got Larry. He made me tell him my phone number a last 4 digits of my SSN (which I’ve already entered on the keypad). What is wrong with these companies?!? (I think I know, but I’ll save that for another blog entry) Anyway, it took me a few minutes to get him to look up my account and explain what was happening. He asked if he could put me on hold a minute so he could analyze the account to see what was going on? As if I had a choice, I said OK. NINE MINUTES LATER, he comes back on the line and asks me try dial voicemail on the phone. I dialed, got the same prompts, etc. He suggested using my cell phone number without the area code as my mailbox number. (geez, that’s an obvious thing to try) No luck. We tried a few other variations with no luck. He asked if he could put me ON HOLD AGAIN so he could investigate this some more. Sure, why not? What else could I be doing with my time?!?
Anyway, after 10 more minutes on hold, someone (not Larry) picks up the phone: “Hello, may I help you?” “Who is this? And what happened to Larry?” I asked. He said he doesn’t know what happened to Larry or why I was transferred to him, but if I explained my situation, he’d try to help me. At this point, I was already on the phone with Larry for 30 minutes! Now I get to start over?!? Anyway, I explained that my voicemail wasn’t letting me in to set things up. He looked up my account, tweaked a few things, told me to power-cycle the phone a few times, but I kept getting the same old crap when I went into voicemail. He had me pull up the voicemail phone number setting in the phone – it said “+1401xxxxxxx” – he instructed me to remove the “+” from the number. Really? I’ve had this phone for over a year, and all of a sudden, it doesn’t like the “+”?!? Anyway, I removed it and that didn’t make a difference. He said “Oh, OK, I know what’s happening…”, pushed a few keys on his keyboard and said “try again”. FINALLY, the voicemail prompts were making sense, asking my to set up my PIN and greeting.
It only took 50 minutes on the phone with AT&T’s “technical support” to get my cell phone’s voicemail working again!