Obama is an idiot!

On Monday, April 2, 2012, just days after the Supreme Court heard arguments about the Constitutionality of parts of the legislation known as “Obamacare”, President Obama made the following public comments:

Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress, and I just remind conservative commentators that for years what we’ve heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism, or a lack of judicial restraint – that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law.

First of all, for the Supreme Court to overturn a law would not be unprecedented or extraordinary.  That is part of their job.

Secondly, the law WAS NOT passed by a “strong majority” – the votes were 224 for and 206 against (source).  That’s only 52% for versus 48% against, with over 10% of the Democrats (and 100% of the Republicans) voting against the bill!

Thirdly, Obama besmirches the Supreme Court by calling them “an unelected group of people”, thereby questioning their integrity and authority to review a case like this, suggesting that such actions would only take place as a result of “judicial activism”.  Of course, the Supreme Court is “an unelected group of people” – they’re supposed to be unelected so that they can be impartial (in theory) because they never have to worry about being re-elected.  Their job is to interpret the Constitution without any bias whatsoever.

Obama makes it sound as if a law can’t be overturned once it had been approved by the Congress.  That’s simply not the case!

President Obama: Did you forget your elementary school social studies class that first taught you about the “Separation of Powers”?  Remember the executive, legislative and judicial branches??  Remember that the framers of the Constitution created this separation of powers so that no single branch can take over the control of the country?  You’ve already commented that the Constitution was “too restrictive” – now you’re trying to imply that it’s not the Supreme Court’s place to overturn a law that was passed by Congress??  THAT IS EXACTLY THE SUPREME COURT’S JOB when the law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!

This was just Obama’s way of getting his “message” to the members of the Supreme Court that might succumb to his influence without having to pick up the phone and actually make a call.


Beware of Bell Domains!

I just received a (spam) email from info@automaticdomains.com telling me that they were offering a variation to a domain name for sale and that “it would make an excellent addition to your existing” [collection of domains].  When I tried to reply to the email, I received the following response:

This email address is not monitored. Please contact us at info@belldomains.com.

(I hope someone is scraping these email addresses?!?   :o)

First of all, they don’t even own the domain name they were trying to sell me (no one does!):


Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

>>> Last update of whois database: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 14:11:52 UTC <<<

Anyway, if I click on the link in the email, I’m taken to the belldomains.com web site.  When I went to their main page, it asks “Did you receive an email from us? Enter the domain below to see if the domain name is still available.” and prompts me for a domain name.  I entered a domain that I knew didn’t exist (like “belldomainssucksbigtime.com”) and I got this interesting response

I get a kick out of how it says “It is listed as a premium domain name and is expected to sell quickly.“!!   :o)

It probably doesn’t reflect too well on the “Domain Name Owners Association (DNOA)” that Bell Domains claims to be a certified seller either.


Yahoo! Refuses Customer Support

Yahoo! is no longer offering it’s users any form of support.  In an attempt to send an email to a Yahoo! customer, I received a message stating that my email was blocked for policy reasons.  When I forwarded that email to Customer Support, indicating that they were erroneously blocking my email, and I got this response:

Notice that it concludes with “Thank you for reaching out to us.  We look forward to helping you!”.  Yeah, right!   I went to the Yahoo! hompage, looked for the HELP link at the bottom of the page, searched for appropriate “support topic”, and when I couldn’t find it, I clicked on the “Still Need Help?  Contact Customer Care” button, and THIS is what I get:

“ATTENTION: Yahoo! no longer provides technical assistance for this issue.”  REALLY?!?!  You should have stopped at “Yahoo! no longer provides technical assistance”!!  Who do they think they are – Google?!?  :o)

Central ?Intelligence? Agency

I don’t get it.  The Central Intelligence Agency is supposed to be an elite government agency with (I’m assuming) the best hackers in the world.  So WHY does their “Contact CIA” page prevent a user from submitting information if it includes anything more than letters, digits, a comma (even the comma is questionable) or a period?!?  Seriously, I was trying to send them a URL on their “Contact CIA” form at this address:


Every time I submitted my comment (regardless of how I tried to sanitize the URL and other information so they’d accept it), I’d get the following error: (click to see the readable screen dump of the form)

Bad CIA Form

There must be an entry in the message field for this form to be accepted.

Really?!?  Sure, as LAME as it is, your contact page states “Our form does not accept keyboard characters commonly used to illicitly enter computer systems. We sincerely regret the inconvenience.”, but you can’t take commas and colons because someone might hack your site with them?!?!?  Maybe the terrorists have won???


Domain Registry Of America stikes again (and PROVES their stupidity!)

Domain Registry Of America is back, this time to TO PROVE how stupid they are!  After my previous post about DROA, I changed the mailing address for all my domains’ WHOIS records to include a line reading “DOMAIN REGISTRY OF AMERICA SUCKS!!”.  Look what I got in the mail today:

Simple proof that they are using WHOIS records for their own marketing purposes, a use that is (supposed to be) forbidden by their accreditation agreement(s) with ICANN.

Here’s a close up of the address label:


Playing “Hide ‘n’ Seek” with Social Security!

If you have to go to the Social Security office in your town, be prepared to play some Hide ‘n’ Seek!  I went to my local office today.  The sign in the lobby said “Social Security Office – Second Floor”.  So we got on the elevator, went up to TWO, and got off.  We walked down the hallway, but NONE OF THE DOORS HAD ANY SIGNS ON THEM.  I tried the biggest door, figuring it was the most obvious, but I was wrong – it was locked.  I walked back down the hallway towards the elevator, trying each door.  All were locked except the last one:

Like I was supposed to know this was the Social Security office?!?


Verizon Adds $2 Charge For Paying Your Bill Online

OK, I stole the title from Slashdot, but the story bears repeating.  You can see the rest of their story here.Verizon Adds $2 Charge For Paying Your Bill Online

Really, is there NOTHING Verizon won’t do to try to steal more money from their customers?!?  They’re as bad as Bank of America who, last month, CHARGED ME to make a cash deposit!!

Spamcop allows BestBuy to spam!

I am SO tired of Spamcop giving preferential treatment to some spammers, giving them a complete pass on spam complaints!  Here is a excerpt of the processing of an email I cannot get BestBuy to stop sending:

Not only does Spamcop refuse to send spam complaints to “abuse@exacttarget.com” (an email marketing company that BestBuy uses to manage their mailing) with no explanation whatsoever, but Spamcop refuses to report spam complaints for any sites that are hosted by Akamai.  They have this bogus message “Cannot resolve http://www.<something>.com/”, when clearly they can or they wouldn’t know that the site was hosted by Akamai in the first place!?!?!

Considering that Spamcop is owned by Cisco, I think the quality coming out of Spamcop certainly reflects on the priorities that Cisco puts on network abuses like spam?


I’ll decide for myself if meat looks fresh, thank you!

I was just at the supermarket and I saw this written on a package of hamburger meat:

Meat Freshness


Really?  You want me to take your meat even if it starts discoloring and doesn’t “look” fresh to me (because you say so)?  Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I’ll stick with bright red being my first clue about the freshness of meat, thanks!


Why does AT&T have to lie to their customers?

I don’t understand why AT&T feels the need to lie to their customers about the most basic of things?!?  Sure, we’re waiting for your web page to load, but don’t lie to us about the reason it takes 10-15 seconds to load!

For 95% of their customers, the time it takes for the web site to load HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CONNECTION SPEED!