I was just on the DONOTCALL.GOV web site today (yes, I got another call from Bridget or Rachael from Cardmember Services), and while poking around, I came across this:
If these aren’t the lamest excuses for why they can’t get things done, I don’t know what are!! There is nothing preventing the government from REQUIRING that phone companies provide ONLY ACCURATE CALLERID INFORMATION! There’s nothing that says people have to be allowed to LIE in their CallerID information! Sure, some people need to be able to BLOCK their CalledID for legal (safety) reasons, but then it’s BLOCKED – the recipient can see that and decide to answer the phone or not. There’s no reason why the data provided via CallerID should be spoofable or set by the “customer”.
Without valid CalledID information on the phone, the DONOTCALL.GOV web site is NOTHING MORE THAN AN EXPENSIVE JOKE that the American citizens are wasting millions of dollars on!!!!